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Walk with Me Hand-Held Prayer Cross with Card - 12/pk

ITEM: G1553

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Sold out for the season
4" H
4" H

The Walk with Me collection gifts of Lenten resources will help you follow Jesus through His Passion and death to His Resurrection and gift of new life!

This hand-held prayer cross is perfect for carrying in your pocket and hold when praying and features words "Walk with Me" on the cross. Each cross comes with a card with prayer, making it perfect for Lenten gift or give-aways!

Card reads: Walk with Me
If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. - Luke 9:23
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this holy season of Lent. Please, dear God, bring me closer to You and my brothers and sisters. O Father, help me experience Your deep silence and consoling Presence in my quiet time as I walk with Jesus, that I may rediscover the grace of a deeper connection with You. Help me to fast from those things that obstruct Your grace and instead pursue opportunities to give to others. Open my heart and prompt me to share what I have with those in need and, in so doing, to rediscover the grace of reaching out in kindness. May this season be a grace-filled time as with all the Church I seek to rekindle my love for You and my trust that You are always walking with me, my dear God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name. Amen.